Through The Eyes Of A Child

My son is three. Sometimes I feel like he will never be out of the "terrible twos", but sometimes he absolutely astounds me with the depth of his understanding. He is without a doubt one of the most incredible miricles in my life.
As a new Christian, I have been trying to raise him to know and love Jesus, but sometimes I feel very inadequate. How can I teach him about God when I'm still so new to it myself?
One of the things I have done is started praying with him every night before we go to sleep. He didn't really seem to get into it for a while, but the last couple of nights he has wanted to do the praying himself. Last night, he brought tears to my eyes with what he said...not because it was the "perfect prayer" but because I realized that he had been listening to me as I prayed and he had understood what I was saying! Not only that, but he showed a level of comprehension that just brought me such joy! Here was his prayer in a nutshell:
Dear God, please look over Mama, and Daddy, and James and Meaghan and Grandma, and Jim and Polly (friends of ours whom I've been praying for each night) and our family, and my teachers and my kids (his friends at school) and the people in the big storm (we've prayed for the hurricane victims), and please let me sleep without bad dreams (something I prayed for him after he watched a scary movie and couldn't sleep one night) and let Mama be able to sleep too (I had a very bad night the other night - I didn't even know he noticed), and thank you for a good day - Amen. Then he had to repeat it just to make sure.
Now, granted, it wasn't quite that clear - he had a lot of other "look overs" in there that I couldn't quite make out, but I thought one of them was to look over Winne the Pooh...he had just watched the heffalump movie...
The point is, all this time I've been thinking that I was dragging him to pray with me and that he wasn't getting anything out of it - and last night I realized that I was wrong - he was getting it! He understood, not only what I was saying, but Whom I was saying it to! My heart was about ready to burst. By the way - he slept all night - didn't wake up once with a nightmare. :-) His prayer was simple, honest and childlike...and I felt the amazing Love of God right there with us last night.
As my wonderful friend Paulette would say - God is still on the Throne - and He shows me in so many ways His Love and Grace.
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