Wednesday, January 11, 2006

The Century Mark

This morning on iTunes (KLOVE radio) I heard a story about three sisters, the youngest of whom just hit the “Century Mark”. Her oldest sister is 104, her middle sister is 101 and she herself just turned 100. All three still sing in the church choir.
Three things immediately came to mind as I heard this story.
First - how wonderful it is for them to be able to share such an amazing landmark with each other. In many families, your siblings are your closest friends, and I would love the opportunity to have my siblings around to share life with for that long. I think of the joys and sorrows, and trials and tribulations that those three sisters must have gone through with such long lives…and how they have had each other to help them through. What plans God must have had for them – and obviously still has for them!
Second – I found myself wondering if they had children. If they did have children they could have grandchildren, great-grandchildren – possibly even great-great-grandchildren. What a history lesson those kids would get! Instead of reading about history in a dry textbook, they would have a living historian right there with them!
That goes hand in hand with the third thing I was thinking about, which was – what amazing things they have seen in their lifetime! To have seen all the new inventions that have changed the world, and all the terrible tragedies and amazing accomplishments.
Many times I have heard people I know say they would never want to live to be that old…they would just be a burden, or the quality of life wouldn’t be worth living…how sad I feel when I hear that! I want to live to be 100! I want to see what happens next! I want to know what God has in store for us…I think it would be a rare and beautiful privilege to be able to spend that amount of time here, seeing what happens next.
To those three sisters, I raise a hand in salute…


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