Friday, June 22, 2007

Big Move

Hey all! Way too long since I've posted on this blog - I started posting on my Yahoo blog - but then I sort of fell away from writing and blogging entirely. We recently moved to Oregon (like, a week ago!) and for some reason - maybe being unemployed - my brain seems to be going a mile a minute with writing ideas. It's pretty exciting!
I started surfing the net a bit to see if there was anything out there worth talking about and I stumbled onto this craigslist area called "Rants & Raves". What this really seems to be is a place for hate-filled people to spew their venom on the public (not that ALL of the posts were bad - some were quite eloquent, however they were greatly outnumbered and overpowered). You can be assured that I will not be visiting this site again. When I mentioned it to my husband, he laughed and says he reads it all the time - says it's funny to read the ramblings of stupid people. I thought about this for a minute or two, and then realized that he was the reason these things exisist! It's the same with the stupid videos on YouTube or People don't watch them because they like them or think they are cool, they watch them out of humanities innate morbid curiousity. I admit - I have it too - I watch videos on Break with my husband and ask myself "what were they thinking?" The sad part is that teens who are smart enough to know how to use the camcorder or webcam better than their parents, but don't have the real life experience to know better - think this stuff is "cool" and want to recreate it. It's just like smoking and drinking. For how many decades did we watch our parents drink and smoke and laugh and have fun and think that it was fun and safe? When it finally came out that it was dangerous - and when technology started making it even more dangerous (i.e. - driving drunk at 70 mph is much more dangerous than driving drunk at 25 mph)look how long it took us to break the habits ingrained from our youth? People still smoke! Even though they KNOW it will kill them.

Anyway - it was an eye-opening experience. Now I just have to figure out how to keep my kids from thinking that this stuff they see every day is normal. Thanks for making my job that much harder.


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